Happy Holidays from Dr. Daniel Pica

Holiday Greetings from your Chiropractor Dr. Daniel Pica 🎄 🌟 and office hours over the holiday period 2023/2024 Dear Valued Patients, As we embrace the joyous holiday season, I, Daniel Pica, along with the entire team at Chiropractic Ringwood, extend our warmest...

Chiropractic – 脊骨神经医学与颈肩腰背痛

您有颈肩腰背痛的烦恼吗? 颈肩腰背痛是涉及了肌肉,骨骼和神经的一种常见病症。其疼痛可以有许多形式 —— 可以是持续而轻微地隐隐作痛,也可以是非常剧烈,突然地发作。几乎每个人于人生当中都会经历过类似疼痛。这些症状可以是短暂或者持续一段较长时间,但不论哪一种,一旦引发时可以使你的日常活动变得困难。腰背痛一般影响任何年龄的人士,尤其是年龄35-55岁人士更为常见。 颈肩腰背痛的成因 情况因人而异,分别为颈椎,肩膀/肩胛,胸椎,腰椎,骨盆环,椎间盘和周围的肌肉韧带等有关。以下是一些引起您不适的常见原因: 急性损伤...

Chiropractic for Menstrual Pain

“The time of the month” Many ladies dread those particular few days, some even up to a week or more, due to the discomfort and inconvenience painful menstruation causes them. To some ladies, the pain suffered may be severe enough to interfere with your daily...


好消息: 整脊疗法 (Chiropractic)Medicare 可报销! 您患有颈肩腰腿痛吗? 或其他脊骨神经医学的适应症如头痛,妊娠腰痛,运动创伤,职业创伤等? 您可能符合由您的家庭医生提供的医保计划 (GP Management Plan)的Medicare报销。此Medicare报销即可在本诊所使用。 Medicare允许报销每年最多五次治疗的费用。如果您符合慢性疾病范畴,您便可以享受Medicare报销。根据澳洲慢性疾病管理方案(Chronic Disease Management简称...

Chiropractic Medicare Rebate

Are you missing out on the Medicare rebate for chiropractic services? Good news: Medicare Rebate for Chiropractic is available Here are 3 easy steps on how you may qualify for up to 5 sessions of chiropractic treatments. Book an appointment with your GP. Meet with...
Ringwood Chiropractor